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Hypnosis for fertility is a mind-body approach designed to help you create the optimum conditions for fertility and conception.  If you are struggling to conceive, you're not alone. Infertility affects millions of couples worldwide - in New Zealand it’s estimated that 1 in 4 women or couples experience fertility issues or difficulty conceiving.  I understand it can be a roller coaster of emotions and a stressful and challenging experience that can take a physical and emotional toll on your wellbeing. Fortunately, hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for improving fertility and increasing your chances of both conceiving and sustaining a viable and healthy pregnancy.


Hypno-Fertility sessions can support your fertility journey and increase your chance of success at all stages – whether you are trying to fall pregnant naturally, calculating ovulation, or undergoing Assisted Reproductive Treatment (i.e. fertility treatments like IVF).

Hypnosis is a Safe and Naturally Occurring State

You enter the hypnotic state when your brainwaves slow into Alpha and Theta brainwave patterns, your mind and body relax, and your focus turns inward.  In this wonderfully relaxing state you can tap into the power of your subconscious mind – the part of your mind that houses your beliefs, fears, unconscious blocks, memories, and governs your autonomic bodily function - which include your hormones and reproductive system.  

The Profound Impact of Stress on Fertility

Stress poses a significant challenge on the path to conception, affecting both your overall health and hormonal balance.  Sometimes we’re not even aware how much stress we’re carrying or have accumulated.  The fertility journey itself brings numerous stressors, consciously or unconsciously, such as feelings of disappointment and anxiety, financial strain, invasive treatments, sex lacking spontaneity, confronting or conflicting feelings about friends who are pregnant or have young children, being asked questions as to when you intend on having children or articles about “the clock is ticking”, and so on.


Numerous studies have shown that stress, or an accumulation of stressors, not only impacts overall health, it can impact fertility.  Stress hormones interfere with reproductive health, can disrupt and stop ovulation, impact sperm quality, lead to irregular cycles, inhibit the production of progesterone (essential for healthy uterus lining), create high prolactin levels (which can inhibit ovulation) and reduce chances of conception during the fertile window.  When our stress response kicks in the body automatically goes into the primitive fight or flight mode, even though in modern times perceived threats (deadlines, getting stuck in traffic, etc) are less critical to our survival. 

When the body goes into fight or flight any systems not essential to dealing with the “threat” are supressed (e.g. immune, digestive and reproductive systems) so that energy is freed up to fight or flight - procreation and the energy for creating and sustaining an embryo and a growing baby are not a priority.  Historically, after we had fought or fled, we would have burnt up some of those stress chemicals, and as we rested our autonomic nervous system would shift out of the sympathetic (stress response) into the parasympathetic (rest and relaxation response) and return to homeostasis, to balance.  However, in modern life, unless you are intentionally doing something to activate the parasympathetic branch (rest and relax response) you may not be counteracting the stress chemicals that can impede fertility and conception.


The good news is, a key benefit and wonderful side-effect of hypnotherapy is that hypnotic relaxation itself is very beneficial – resting in a deeply relaxing and restorative hypnotic state activates the parasympathetic branch of our nervous system, reduces stress chemicals and enhances our wellbeing – allowing our mind and body an opportunity to come back into balance, supporting our body’s ability to conceive, and creating a harmonious environment that new life can flourish in. 

Why can't I get Pregnant

Many women find themselves asking “why can’t I get pregnant” or “why can’t I sustain a pregnancy”.  They feel frustrated or a lack of control that their bodies are not doing what they are “supposed” to do.  Hypnotherapy gives you back a sense of control and optimism, as you actively prime your mind and body at the subconscious level to create the optimum conditions for fertility and conception. You are now working with possibility vs probability, as hypnotherapy helps you to stack the odds in your favour through reducing stress and the stress hormones that can hamper your reproductive system and fertility, eliminating any unconscious blocks or fears, influencing your physiology, and preparing your mind and body for stages of fertility treatment – which might include overcoming fear of injections, preparing for a successful egg collection or pre and post embryo implantation.  

Experience the Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Many women find themselves asking “why can’t I get pregnant” or “why can’t I sustain a pregnancy”.  They feel frustrated or a lack of control that their bodies are not doing what they are “supposed” to do.  Hypnotherapy gives you back a sense of control and optimism, as you actively prime your mind and body at the subconscious level to create the optimum conditions for fertility and conception. You are now working with possibility vs probability, as hypnotherapy helps you to stack the odds in your favour through reducing stress and the stress hormones that can hamper your reproductive system and fertility, eliminating any unconscious blocks or fears, influencing your physiology, and preparing your mind and body for stages of fertility treatment – which might include overcoming fear of injections, preparing for a successful egg collection or pre and post embryo implantation.  

    • Boosts Pregnancy Rates: Increases your chance of getting pregnant by a staggering 50%.
    • Reduces Stress: Say goodbye to any overwhelming stress or anxiety that might be compromising your reproductive health and ability to conceive, allowing your body to relax and prepare for conception.
  • Enhances Reproductive Function: Improves the physiological functioning of your body and reproductive system, optimising your body's ability to conceive.
    • Empowerment and Control: Regain a sense of control and optimism throughout your journey, knowing that you are creating the ideal mind and body conditions for fertility and conception.
    • Emotional Wellbeing: Hypnotherapy helps you navigate the roller coaster of emotions, feel calmer and foster a sense of connection and trust in your body.
    • Overcomes Unconscious Blocks, Beliefs or Fears: Clear obstacles that may be hindering your ability to conceive (e.g. unconscious fear a partner might leave you, unresolved guilt from a termination, fear of injections, fear of childbirth, anxiety about juggling work and motherhood) 

How can Hypnotherapy Help you Conceive? The Research Behind it:

Numerous studies have explored the impact of hypnotherapy on fertility outcomes, showing that not only can hypnotherapy increase the chances of pregnancy, but it can also help reduce stress, improve reproductive functioning, and enhance emotional wellbeing.  

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What to Expect in Hypno-Fertility Session

Sessions are incredibly relaxing, supportive, and empathetic.  As a clinical hypnotherapist I specialise in customising each session to your unique needs and journey.  Sessions may include stress reduction techniques, release of past traumas, harnessing the power of the subconscious to influence reproductive health, support specifically addressing the different stages of IVF treatment (if applicable), and overcoming limiting beliefs or unconscious blocks related to fertility, childbirth and parenthood.  You will receive personalised hypnotic relaxation MP3s, recorded in session on studio-quality audio equipment, to allow you to enjoy hypnotic relaxations at home and reinforce the work we do in session.

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If you'd like to find out how hypnotherapy could help you optimise your mind and body for fertility